Social Security Phone Scam

Date: 12/10/2019

Be on the lookout for a popular Social Security phone scam that targets Social Security recipients.

Who Is It Targeting: Senior citizens and Social Security benefits recipients

What Is It: Social Security phone scam that masquerades as communications from the Social Security Administration

What Are They After: Social Security scams are rather common. However, there are some new variations that are worth bringing to the public’s attention. Some versions of the Social Security Phone Scam claim that your SSN has been suspended, which cannot happen, while other versions claim it has been compromised. Still, others claim there is a case against you from the federal government or that you must send money to resolve the issue.

How You Can Avoid It:

  • Understand what the SSA or IRS does and does not do when it comes to contacting consumers
  • You will never be arrested by the IRS, and the IRS does not have its own police force; they also do not work with your local law enforcement agency to arrest people
  • The IRS and SSA will never call you about an issue or error, but they will send you a written communication for your records
  • If in doubt, ignore the message and contact the SSA yourself using a verified contact number

If you think you may be a victim of identity theft, contact the Identity Theft Resource Center for toll-free, no-cost assistance at (888) 400-5530. Find more information about current scams and alerts here.

Read next: Puppy Scam Alert

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