Super Bowl Means Super Scams

Date: 01/07/2020

With the Super Bowl quickly approaching, it is time to start looking out for people trying to trick you with a Super Bowl scam. Fans are eagerly awaiting the results of the playoffs to see who will go head-to-head next month. Whether your team makes the final game or not, it is an exciting time for football fans. Unfortunately, it is also an exciting time for scammers.

From bogus tickets and fake travel deals to illegal online gambling, there is no limit to the different ways that criminals can attempt to pick your virtual pockets with a Super Bowl scam. One nearly unbelievable Super Bowl scam involved a beloved community member and well-known businessman who stole more than $750,000 from his own friends and associates. That included $36,000 from his own mother.

It is important to learn how to protect yourself from a Super Bowl scam now so that all you have to worry about come game day is having enough snacks on hand to celebrate.


Part of the trouble with spotting fake tickets from real ones is the fact that real ticket resale websites actually do exist. As long as the terms and conditions are met, buying someone’s unwanted tickets is legal. Sadly, it is rather easy to create a fake website that offers bogus tickets. Make sure you are only using verified ticket sources.

Hotel and Travel Packages

Just because you saw photos of a great suite close to the stadium or clicked on an ad for a $99 roundtrip flight, that does not mean your reservation is real. It is probably a Super Bowl scam. Only use legitimate travel sites to book your accommodations, and if possible, use a payment method that offers some kind of buyer protection. Avoid the urge to click on flashy last-minute deals, too.

Phishing Attempts

The easiest way to steal identifying information and funds is to never bother making fake tickets or fake travel packages. Instead, scammers send out a mass email or text message offers, or create viral social media posts. Unsuspecting fans click on the links in the message, hoping to get a great deal. Instead, either malware is installed on their device or the users submit their information and payment method to be stolen. The reality of scams and hoaxes is that these tactics are not limited to just Super Bowl scams. Criminals recycle their tools, mostly because they work, at any time of the year and whenever a major event is taking place. Be on the lookout for too good to be true opportunities and remember to safeguard your information at all times.

Contact the Identity Theft Resource Center for toll-free, no-cost assistance at 888.400.5530. For on-the-go assistance, check out the free ID Theft Help App from ITRC.

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