Who is Responsible for Fraud Prevention? Join the Fraud Week Twitter Chat with ACFE!

Date: 11/15/2019

The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) and the Identity Theft Resource Center are teaming up for a very important public event on Twitter.

International Fraud Awareness Week Nov 17-23

The two organizations have partnered to help consumers understand what is fraud, how to recognize a potential fraud attempt, and what to do about it.

This year’s week-long event focuses on the theme, “Who Is Responsible For Fraud Prevention?” The very short answer to this complicated question is: All of us! But without the proper tools and awareness, it can be hard to uncover and protect yourself against fraud attempts and related crimes. Whether you’re an industry professional, a public or consumer advocate, a lawmaker or law enforcement professional, or just someone who wants to know how to protect themselves and their privacy, this event is for you.

For more info: https://acfeinsights.squarespace.com/acfe-insights/join-the-acfe-and-itrc-for-a-fraud-week-twitter-chat

Join the #FraudWeekChat on Twitter Nov 20

A Twitter chat is an open conversation on the social media platform that anyone is able to join in. In order to read others’ tweets from the chat or contribute your own, you simply add the specific hashtag to your posts or search for it to read. The hashtag, #fraudweekchat, will allow you to see others’ comments and questions, even if you do not currently follow them on Twitter, while also allowing them to see your remarks.

Anyone who has a vested interest in recognizing and preventing fraud attempts—which really means everyone!—is welcome to participate. Simply log into your Twitter account on Wednesday, November 20, at noon ET / 9 a.m. PT, and be sure to follow both the ACFE (@TheACFE) and the Identity Theft Resource Center (@IDTheftCenter) for up-to-date information all year long. Remember to use the #fraudweekchat hashtag by typing the pound symbol and the words at the end of your tweets. Note: If you raise a question that is unanswered, please repeat it; it may have been overlooked in the high volume of traffic during the chat.

Contact the Identity Theft Resource Center for toll-free, no-cost assistance at 888.400.5530. For on-the-go assistance, check out the free ID Theft Help App from ITRC.

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